Events API Overview
Events API Overview
Gather usage data in support of Meaningful Use Stage 2 reporting requirements.
MEDFUSION currently records these patient activities:
- Viewing clinical (CCD) information in the Patient Portal
- Downloading clinical information from the Patient Portal to their own computers
- Transmitting their health information to another provider or practice
- Transmitting Secure Messages to the Practice
The Medfusion Events API allows partner systems to retrieve event information to support Meaningful Use Stage 2 (MU2) Numerator Reporting of certain patient activities, specifically the viewing, downloading, and transmitting of CCD information. Along with capturing the action of transmitting Secure Messages from the Patient to the Practice. Practices will need this information in order to properly report for MU2 attestation.
Partner systems must also be using the Medfusion Patient API to allow practices to invite patients to use the Patient Portal, and the CCD APIso that practices can send CCDs to patients to view in the Patient Portal.
Medfusion systems constantly record patient activities in the Patient Portal as they occur. Partner systems can request event information on a regular or as-needed basis to store and use in generating reports of meaningful use. Each response will contain no more than 500 events, so it may be necessary to make additional requests to retrieve all available events.
Events API Best Practices
- Consider including a way to set how often event information is retrieved from Medfusion systems. Small practices and those just starting with the Patient Portal won’t have a lot of CCD-related events.
- Medfusion APIs will follow the standard ISO8601 formats for all time elements, unless otherwise noted.
The standard format will include the timezone. For UTC (the preferred time zone to be used for timestamps), the time zone is specified as ‘Z’. The API documentation will clearly specify any deviation from the ISO8601 recommendation.
For example, an alternative format is to specify timestamps as epochs since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC, either in seconds (POSIX time) or milliseconds (Java).
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