Patient Balance Posting
Patient Balance Posting
Send Balance Information: POST Patient Balance
- Description
- Send patient balance information to Medfusion so that a patient can view it in the Patient Portal. The GET processingStatus API allows the practice to obtain the processing status of resources that were sent to Medfusion. Default time zone is UTC.
- HTTP Method
- Required URI Values
- server
- The domain name of the test or production system.
- Test system:
- Production system:
- Test system:
- PracticeID
- The unique practice integration ID for a given practice. Medfusion will provide a practice ID that you can use during development.
- Success Response
- 202 – Accepted. The payload has passed XML validation, been stored, and will be processed later. There may still be errors found when it is processed.
- Error Response
- 400 – Bad request. The data given in the HTTP request failed validation.
- 401 – Unauthorized request. Check the OAuth attributes.
- 404 – Not found. The requested resource was not found in the server.
- 415 – Unsupported media type. The server could not process the request because the content type specified in the request header is not supported.
- Sample Call
- This sample posts balance for one patient.
- HTTP Request
Content-Type:application/xml Authorization:Bearer {Token}
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ns2:Balances xmlns:ns2=""> <BalanceMessageHeaders> <Sender VendorName="Meridian Medical Management" DeviceLocalTime="2016-07-19T12:45:12-04:00" DeviceVersion="8.2" DeviceName="VertexDR" /> </BalanceMessageHeaders> <Balance id="1111028"> <BalanceAccountNumber>282828</BalanceAccountNumber> <OutstandingPatientBalance>150.0</OutstandingPatientBalance> <OutstandingInsuranceBalance>200.0</OutstandingInsuranceBalance> <BalanceDate>2017-09-30T00:00:00</BalanceDate> <BalanceDueDate>2017-10-22T00:00:00</BalanceDueDate> <TransactionId>1111-028</TransactionId> <PatientDemographics> <PatientIdentifier> <PracticePatientId>838</PracticePatientId> </PatientIdentifier> <Name> <FirstName>MF0608201601</FirstName> <MiddleName></MiddleName> <LastName>Test0608201601</LastName> </Name> </PatientDemographics> </Balance> </ns2:Balances>
- Sample Response
- Response Header
202 ACCEPTED Content-length:180 Content-type: application/xml Location:
Synchronous Response Body (Defined in ProcessingResponse.xsd)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <ProcessingResponse xmlns:ns2=""> <dataJobId>cf9cfd7a-fd0d-4894-bcf6-d92b11094b05</dataJobId> <messageId>681fe5f1-133a-4d47-98bb-2e1f7f0d9521</messageId> <processingStatus>Successful</processingStatus> <ResponseMessage></ResponseMessage> </ProcessingResponse>