Update Online Bill Payments made by Patients: POST securePayments

Update Online Bill Payments made by Patients: POST securePayments

Update the Medfusion system when a payment previously retrieved using the GET securePayments call is posted to a patient’s account. This allows the practice to see the most up to date status of a payment in the Medfusion Practice Portal. Reference the payment ID received to do this.

HTTP Method
Required URI Values
The domain name of the test or production system.

  • Test system: integration.demo.medfusion.net
  • Production system: integration.medfusion.net
The unique practice integration ID for a given practice. Medfusion will provide a practice ID that you can use during development.

Success Response
  • 202 – Accepted. The message has passed XML validation, been stored, and will be processed later. There may still be errors found when it is processed.
Error Response
  • 400 – Bad request. The data given in the HTTP request failed validation.
  • 401 – Unauthorized request. Check the OAuth attributes.
  • 404 – Not found. The requested resource was not found in the server.
  • 415 – Unsupported media type. The server could not process the request because the content type specified in the request header is not supported.

Sample Call
HTTP Request

POST https://integration.medfusion.net/v1/practice/1c7ecf9f-9700-4e70-b976-9356db658274/securePayments


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
      <Sender deviceName="12.5"/>
      <Partner deviceName="Test Application"/>
      <Destination deviceName="Test Destination Name"/>
   <Payment id="782b8228-2527-4e2a-825c-a4afabe74ae0">
      *Note the change in status of the payment.
         <PaymentComments>Copay for Appointment</PaymentComments>
Sample Response
Response Header

202 OK
Content-Type: application/xml

Response Body – Successful Completion (Defined in ProcessingResponse.xsd)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ProcessingResponse xmlns:ns2="http://schema.intuit.com/health/admin/v1">

The “DataJobId” identifies the batch. The “MessageId” value is a unique identifier for this api message, and is intended to be used in future api calls to retrieve the message’s processing status.